We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.
— Sapna Reddy


Mental Health Care Plans are available to people who have a diagnosed mental health condition. They assist with covering the cost of treatment by providing a rebate for service with a Medicare Provider for up to 10 sessions in a calendar year.

How do I get a MHCP?

To obtain a MHCP you will require a referral from your GP.

When you make your appointment, make sure to book a longer appointment. Or say that you are interested in a mental health treatment plan. This way, you and your doctor will have enough time to discuss your mental health.

Your doctor will assess your mental health to:

  • diagnose a mental health condition (if not already diagnosed)

  • determine if you would benefit from a mental health treatment plan

This assessment usually involves a questionnaire. Your doctor will:

  • ask you a few questions

  • fill in the mental health treatment plan

  • discuss your goals with you

  • provide a referral to a practitioner

Sometimes, it can take a few visits to your doctor to diagnose a mental health condition.

What does a mental health treatment plan cover?

The mental health treatment plan is part of the Better Access initiative. This initiative aims to improve outcomes for people with a clinically diagnosed mental health condition.

A mental health treatment plan lets you claim up to 10 individual and 10 group sessions with a mental health professional each calendar year. The plan helps you access free or subsided sessions. Because health professionals set their own fees, Medicare may only cover some of the cost.

Group therapy does not include family and couple therapy.

To start with, your doctor can refer you to a mental health professional for 6 sessions. If you need more, they can refer you for further sessions.